Tag Archives: sanicle

Extraction – solid and liquid

Loose liquid to oil

I’m really keen on essential oils and salves, though the trial and error aspect to making them is strong! Though I feel I may have had more misses than hits when buying too down to not really know what I should be expecting.

I was pleased to come across this informative and easy to follow guide.


I had never heard of isomalt, a sugar type substance. Here’s a video on a good application of isomalt, in a sweet DIY video 🍵


Whilst researching old lotions and potions, I came across this interesting one.

Common flowers

Dandelions asdimilate great in oil, these slaves are not only something you can apply to skin and hair, they’re also edible; generally sweet and sticky, bit of a poor mans honey.

Dandelion salve 🍯

Ragwort is a weed many of us have passed by. I included this as it often grows around dandelions, it’s a fellow yellow flower and it’s abundant.

Ragwort serves it’s purpose for the soil and insects, not so much for every day people and pets. Toxic, potent plants often have some place in medicine, so I’m sure there are people who know what they’re doing with them, but please be careful.

Don’t mix this innocent looking yellow flower up with anything else.🌼🌻🏵